Dog Bark Control
Manage Unwanted Nuisance Barking Today
Having problems controlling your puppy’s barking problem? Are you worried about neighbour complaints or infringements issued by the council? Vebo Pet Supplies stock a variety of dog bark collars designed to help you control and correct your dog's barking problem in a safe and manageable way. While nothing can ever fully replace proper dog training, but at a fraction of the cost of a private consultation, these safe-to-use devices present a cost effective first step and are surprisingly effective for mild cases.
Available in a range of different sizes, our range of PetSafe Audible range apply a progressive level of audible sound or ultrasonic noise to disrupt your dog’s barking habits. Alternatively, our range of PetSafe Citronella Spray Collars can release a scent at the time of barking for a stronger deterance.
Each method will control barking more effectively in certain environment. For example, a spray collar may not work properly on a Poodle's thick and curly coat so a shock collar will work better unless you shave the dog's hair. So feel free to contact us and our experienced staff at Vebo can help you choose the correct product!


